Monday, September 26, 2011

House and Land Cleansing

This story was written in December 2009 and happened back in Indiana. I am available for land and house clearings in the area around Parker, CO or wherever I am needed. I charge $85.00 plus travel expenses. Contact me at .

I was sitting here at my computer wondering how to title this particular blog.... "Exporting Entities/Demons into the light" # 1 what I heard in my head.... I've learned to trust and go with it!

In December, just before Christmas... in fact it was Christmas Eve day... I had been requested by someone to check out her daughters home that they had just moved into. Many things had happened to this family since they had moved into this house in the previous weeks... The wife was taking the children to town and the car went off the road and turned over 5 times... no one was hurt and no reason for the event. Their 2 dogs are very scared and wimpering most of the time. Husband and Wife fighting constantly and they never do. Shower/water turning on by itself. Lights blinking and etc. 

My friend, aware of the metaphysics, told me that she knew there was someone/thing on this property that didn't want her daughter's family/husband there. So when I get a request for this I tell them my fee and then I journey on it.... The information that I received was anger, bitter anger. This entity is what I would call a Ghost, one that is stuck here on the earth plain, because of unfinished business or not realizing that they are dead and haven't been led to the light yet. 

I asked my Spirit Guides what I should take along with me and how to proceed....(we had an ice storm and it was very icy and slippery everywhere through that week) I knew that this had to be taken care of immediately so this family could have joy and peace back into their lives, especially on Christmas day.
I took my walking staff, smudge(sage/lavender), smudge fan, a white candle, drum, rattle etc. and called upon my strength and God's love to show me what to do... I was getting visions of what this entity was going to try and do to me once I was on the property...throwing illusions at me to touch into my fears (note: this type of work should not be done by anyone who still has fear, for this is the tool that those in the dark use against us.)
Just before I turned down the lane I shot a blast of pink unconditional love into the heart of the ghost...that in itself stopped him in his tracks. He knew I did not fear him or anything that he was going to use against me. He talked to me in my head as I drove down this long lane. His reason for still being there was  "All took from me and no one gave" and he kept repeating this over and over again. I felt his anger and bitterness. Once I got into the house I started to sing "Oh, Great Spirit" as I was lighting the candle and starting to smudge the house. When I stopped singing I heard him say in a calming voice... "Please keep singing" ... my voice had calmed the beast within this ghost. He told me that back further in the wooded forest (in his day all were trees) he had a log cabin... he had lost everything.... wife, children all that he held precious and he was left alone... and he died alone... he kept walking this land claiming it as his own and everytime someone built a house and lived on HIS LAND... he would try to make them leave in anyway that he could...using illusion and as he got bolder by causing 'accidents' to scare the people away... his anger built through the years that went by .... decades ... centuries ... until he was nothing but Anger itself! 
I drummed and sang to him the Cherokee Morning Song, Win De Ya hoo .... I cried with him and then God sent the light in and I told him that he is a peace now and that he was to go into the light if he chose to... woosh! he was gone as I felt a kiss upon my forehead. I then blessed the house with LOVE and left as I had entered with my walking staff...

I am being told by spirit to start telling my adventures here on my blog... Through what I call a Shamans death (dismemberment journey) I have been shown as the Golden Warrior... she/I have no fear.... I am the light!


A stone got my attention

I wrote this story a few years ago when I still lived in Larwill, IN and placed it on my myspace was part of my unfolding through spirit teaching. The picture is of a 22" drum painted with 'Wind Horse'...

Sometimes we need a thought provoking story to get us thinking....  I had an incident the other day... I was going to my mother's house for the first time in weeks and as I was passing a house here in Larwill I heard a loud noise as a stone hit my van's side window.....I looked in my rear view mirror and saw a little boy running to hide and teenagers with their hands over their mouths looking at my van.... I didn't get angry, but I knew I had to turn around and go back .... I wasn't sure why... I knew I had to. I felt a lesson should be taught... little did I know.
As I parked in front of the house where the stone was thrown from... I saw 2 ,,,,  10 year old boys standing in the door of the house and the other 2 teen age girls running down the street... the little boy was no where to be seen...As I got out of the Van and went around to the sidewalk... the mother approached me... screeching at the top of her lungs for the little 4 year old boy to come out... he was coming around the back of the house and his screeching mother grabbed him and started to shake him and screeching all the while that he was going to get his butt beat .....etc. So far I had not said anything or accused anyone... my van was not damaged, but I could see a very damaged little boy in front of me... I touched the mother on the shoulder and told her it was okay... and she instantly calmed down... I could tell from the impoverished house that money was very little and this was her worry....I then touched the little boy on his shoulder and kept my hand there as I talked very slowly and quietly.... I asked him if he was okay... he shook his head yes.... I asked him if he had thrown rocks at the road and hit my van.... his bottom lip was shaking and he was looking up at me with his teary eyes and told me that he was sorry..... I could feel that comment coming all the way up from his heart.... that little boy was so scared ... scared of life... scared of the harsh spanking he thought he was going to receive from his mother... scared of the retaliation he would get from the 2 boys watching if he said they prompted the throwing of the stones... he was just plain scared of my hand laid on his shoulder as I talked to him... I could feel all of the abuse he had went through in his short 4 years of life on this earth... I pulled it all out of him and replaced it with love.
I smiled at his teary face and said to him... you won't be throwing anymore stones ... right! and he said no... but he started to get a light in his teary eyes... and I knew then that my forgiveness and knowing that these things happen... that it wasn't about the stone hurting my car... it was God getting my attention to heal two people... a little 4 year old stranger and his mother... I turned to the mother and told her that he would no longer throw stones at cars and that as punishment him and the 2 boys should maybe sweep up all the stones on the  walk way and put them behind the house. She put her arms around the little boy and then gave him a hug... I doubt that she even knows just what happened, but I do... You never know when the opportunity will present itself or how to help others....years ago I would have gotten very angry... angry like that mother.... now I look at this world in a different way... I look through God's eyes and into the hearts of all...... 

What happens at my Drumming Circles


Once you learn how to participate in Shamanic Journey (I teach this in a 3 hour workshop, see Shamanic Journey in another blog) it makes the experience of the drumming circle even more enlightening to you.

If you don't know your animal totem I will do a quick reading by holding your hands and 'see' your animal totem and this will be your spirit helper through the journey.

When you get to the location and everyone is ready to start I smudge you with sage/lavender smoke, this is a clearing of your energy field, traditional to native american circles. Once everyone is 'smudged' we form in a circle and I call in from all the directions those of the spirit realm who will protect us and send us wisdom and vision as well as tremendous will surround us all. After the calling in I sing 'Oh, Great Spirit' and then we drum as a group a steady beat of mother earth and this also will set our heart rhythm. During the group drumming everyone will feel and experience our spirit helpers around us. Many have heard flute playing, thousands of drums joining us, dancing of spirit around the center fire, chanting and singing sometimes comes through as well...but always great healing of our own spirit will be done.

After the group drumming we share if we want to what we experienced and I will then tell what I saw or heard of where I am to take you in a guided journey. We all lay on the floor or get comfortable in a chair as I take you on a guided journey to the upper or lower realm through the veil. This last anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes and I then 'call you back' into your body through a drumming call back and you will write your experience in your journal and then we share.

Each drumming circle is different and profound. This THursday night at 7pm to 8:30pm, Sept. 29th, 2011 I am hosting a drumming circle at 8470 E. THunderhill Hts., Parker, CO 80134 and asking a donation of $10.00. I have journals, eye covers and drums for sale to be used in the circle.

I am holding the drumming circle every two weeks at the same location on THursday evening at 7pm...the next one will be Oct. 13th, me at my email address ( for directions and to rsvp.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Chief Red Cloud/Wisdom guide

In this archive page from my old website the pic of the water wash background did not come through, but I will leave the text as written.

Foxfire Studios ~ Spirit Paintings

In the water wash you can clearly see the buffalo and the outline of the feather headdress as well as other images that represent Chief Red Cloud. He is my Spirit Guide of Wisdom and I found out about him two years ago in 2002 when I was in meditation and I kept hearing his name.
At the Catalpa Tree, a metaphysical store in Grabill, Indiana, I was doing my psychometry readings with the 11”x17” colored ink portrait drawing of the vision, when I had some down time and decided to read myself, so I held my necklace in my hands and I saw Chief Red Cloud straightening his beaded breast plate and arranging his feathers on his headdress. It was almost comical (he has a great sense of humor). So I asked him “What do you want?” and he replied, “Paint me!” and I humored him by saying “Now!” “No, not now.” He said, but he left it that I should do it as soon as possible. So I left it go and pretty much forgot about it.
They, your Spirit Guides, don’t let you forget something important and things that they want you to do, because there is always a bigger picture than what we are seeing. So he comes to me again a couple of weeks later and said again “Paint me!!” and I told him that I didn’t have the money to go buy a good canvas to honor him on. He informed me that I had already painted the water wash background that his portrait was to go on. And I said, “ Oh, really. Which one is it?” He led me to the one you see above in the photo on the left and of course, I knew right away he was right (as usual) and that his portrait was to go on this canvas.
When a Spirit Guide appears to you in a vision in your mind’s eye, it is only there seconds. It’s not like I can take a picture and have it to look at to get the portrait exact to their likeness. So he told me to go on the Internet and I would find a photo of him as the great warrior and chief of the Lakota Tribe of the Sioux Nation. When I started the portrait of Chief Red Cloud it went very swiftly. I had it started and finished in a day! I know he was guiding my hands through the whole process of painting him. He has been guiding me through many healing processes and he brings me messages through others.
I was reading a lady at Camp Chesterfield, Indiana, a Spiritualistic Camp since the 1800’s, (I’m there once a month, 1st Saturday of the month Psychic Fair), and she told me she was Mohican and her husband is a Lakota Sun Dancer and she wanted to know what tribe I was from. There are no written records, but my Grandmother Lily on my father’s side said that her Grandmother was from a tribe in West Virginia, that would be back in the late 1700’s early 1800’s. She informed me that I was to go to the Lakota Sun Dance that was to be held in southern Indiana and since it was a 10 day spiritual event that I should be there on the ‘Healing Day’.
I drove 4 hours on the 9th of July, 2004 and witnessed a traditional Lakota Sun Dance. There were over 100 dancers and many wore the chest scars proudly and there were 4 Sun Dancers still attached to the ropes that were attached to the sacred tree. All Dancers wore red skirts, mostly men of all ages, but a few women.
The spiritual vibrations coming from the grounds where they had been dancing and sending prayers out to all peoples and the earth was aweinspiring. I gave of the flesh, which was 3 cuts on my left arm as I held one of the sacred pipes and as I held the sacred pipe in my hands and aimed it at the Sacred Tree in the center of the Arbor I was immediately gone, out of body, where I’m not sure and is really not for me to know, because Great Spirit did some serious healing in me during those few minutes. When I opened my eyes I could see the people around me staring at me and they all seemed to know and understand what had just happened. The lady that had invited me to the Sun Dance was the wife of the Sun Dancer who did the 3 cuts in my arm.
Giving of the flesh is the Lakota way of asking for healing through the sacred ceremonies and they believe that our flesh is the only possession that is truly ours. I want to add that after you choose between 1 through 7 cuts to be taken and once they are taken they are put in a red cloth and tied to a braided rope that will be hung on the Sacred Tree. I understood the ceremony and was glad that my Spirit Guide, Chief Red Cloud, had honored me by letting me be part of his spiritual house.
This is another example of how, once we have surrendered ourselves over to God, that we are guided to healing and learning. As you go through the Spirit Paintings pages you will see just how my Native American Spirit Guides have been working with me in my Art.
Thank You for letting me share this experience with you.

White Buffalo "Chief"

This information that is with this painting below is what I had on my webpage years ago and I just want to note that this painting has inspired me through the years as it has many people who have seen it. I call the white buffalo 'Chief' and he comes to me in vision quite often and when he enters into the drumming circle everyone can feel his presence and his strength...I've known all along that he came to me in this painting to give me strength in my life and I am so grateful for his continueing presence in my life.

Foxfire Studios ~ Spirit Paintings
When I did the water wash on the background, the outline of where the buffalo should go and the eye were already there in the painting. Plus, the image of a Native American Chief in full headdress, riding his horse, were also in the background. I knew the spirit guides had definitely answered my drumming on what to paint. That left an empty area in the lower right of the painting, after I painted the white buffalo in the upper left. I asked the spirits what should I put there to finish this healing painting and they said to put my handprints. That is what I did and I am very happy with the results. I feel the left handprint is the blessing from Jesus and the right is from the Great Spirit. My suggestion is to let the painting ‘talk to you’ as it does to me.
This is a 16” x 20” Acrylic on Wrap stretch canvas. I painted this March 3, 2003. The key to these Spirit Participation paintings are to look at them and to see beyond just your two eyes. I didn’t realize at the time what a wonderful gift I was receiving from Great Spirit in this painting and how they were guiding me with the images. These paintings are not just for me, but for anyone who looks into them and receives the spiritual blessings that have been channeled through me onto the canvas. I thank Great Spirit and my Spirit Guides, Angels, Animal Totems, Ancestors and the Master Teachers for all they have blessed me with in the past, today and in the future.

Client's Visionary Portrait

Story and pictures from my old website...
Foxfire Studios ~ Visionary Portraits
Her horse that came through in the psychometry reading was a brilliant white and it was running so fast that it spread its wings and flew. I saw her reach out and grab a hold of the horse’s mane and jump on for the ride of her life. I also saw a Cougar approach coming down from the mountain to join her on her quest and at the bottom of the mountain, just outside the meadow next to a pond, was a beautiful doe drinking in quiet solitude with no fear.
As I was drumming before applying the water wash background, I received the same vision and Spirit guided me to the earthy colors of Burnt Sienna and Raw Umber. As you can see in the photo of the water wash background that many images appeared. Do you see the deer? Do you see the sunrise with a bird in the upper left corner? Do you see straight down from the horse’s nose an image of a woman bathing in the water?
In my reading I also saw her Spirit Guide who was Knight Templar and showed the Celtic 4 equal sided cross on his chest of blue. In the bottom of her painting are the pyramids and around the edges of the painting you will notice many images that bring through her Spirit Guide, the Knight on the White Horse. I decided to leave out in my finished painting the Knight, because he shows up in many places throughout the background and I went with her power animals. When I met this lady for the first time I knew she was going places fast spiritually and when she saw the finished portrait, she was so in tune to what was being represented in her Visionary Portrait that I didn’t have to explain much to her.
She has attended my Spirit Painting Class here at Foxfire Studios and even though she said she had no artistic talent what so ever (of which I told her that doesn’t matter) she had a very unique image in her spirit painting of the “Tree of Life”. I am using it as a sample of what each individual can do in my 2 hour Spirit Painting Class.

Lore and her Tiger Totem painting

Foxfire Studios ~ Visionary Portraits
This is a 30”x40” acrylic on wrap canvas Visionary Portrait of my best friend Lore. She is the friend that got me to the Shaman for a soul retrieval back in 1999 and when she had her soul retrieval the Gold Siberian Tiger came in as her power animal. She is a Leo who is a workaholic and when she’s not working she is giving and doing constantly, loving things for others. When the Tiger came through in her soul retrieval she knew that it was time to quit letting others control her life and to exert her ‘Tiger’ Power, which is to exert and manifest the stimulation of renewed devotion and passion for life.
Most Tigers hunt slowly and silently regardless what is being sought and they are nocturnal animals and that she will find she can do her most effective ‘work’ accomplished at night. She will have a new awakened sexuality and sensitivity to touch as well. I teach all who receive certain power animals to become one with their energy and to study them and to read about how power animals work with each person. I use Ted Andrews' books, “Animal Speaks and Animal Wise’ and also Jamie Sams and David Carson’s Medicine Cards and Book. There are many ways to understand how animal totems work with you and the best way taught to me by my friend, Laurie Rainey Schmidt, who is a licensed Shamanic Practitioner, is to meditate or journey and to connect with their power and to become one with them. I also want to make note that we have many Animal Totems as well as Spirit Guides, Angels, Master Teachers, Fairies. God has blessed us with many helpers and all we have to do is ask for help.
When I started the painting I knew I had to use the larger canvas to get the full impact of the vision I was receiving. I saw her running with a spear in hand, with determination in her expression. To show her free spirited nature by the lack of clothing and to paint her moon and background in greens, because green represents healing of the heart chakra and trauma we have experienced through life. To have the Tiger running along side of her, protecting her from any harm.
I saw her take up the spear and with the Tiger at her side her free spirit will charge ahead into a new freedom of powerful psychic energy and healing. The gold coins around her neck represent the abundance that will come into her life through the use of this healing energy of the Tiger and the totality of the Visionary Portrait. I painted this in spring of 2002 and she has definitely been working with the essence of the Tiger and her personality from the healing has gotten stronger and healthier. As you look at the Tiger notice that the eyes, no matter which angle you look at the portrait, they never leave you, the observer. He is her protector.

One of my teachers Wanda Gordan

Foxfire Studios ~ Visionary Portraits

I used a different size wrap canvas for this visionary portrait, a 24” x 36”, it gives the painting more length and fit the subject better. This is a portrait of one of my mentors, Rev. Wanda Gordon, Pastor of the Temple of Love and Light in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Rev. Wanda passed over in February of 2004. She was just 3 weeks away from her 90th birthday.
I started attending the Temple in November of 2001, when a friend asked me if I would like to go see what a Spiritualistic Church was all about and maybe I would get some of my many questions answered. At this time I had many questions about all the changes happening with me spiritually, one being that I was able to heal by touch, to take someone’s headache away in just a touch to the back of their head…yes, I had many questions. She helped me to understand, as well as others in the congregation, that God was showing me the way by bringing me to a teaching Temple.
Through their guidance and weekly readings at the Temple of Love and Light, I understand now that by surrendering myself to Father God, Mother Goddess and Great Spirit that I am a channeler for God’s healing and by taking that final step of FAITH that I have no fears, for God will take care of me. I have truly been touched by the hand of God, and when I am asked to heal someone I literally see Jesus’ hands cover mine as he is standing next to me. I have learned that I AM GOD as HE IS ME…we are one and through Rev. Wanda’s teachings, through Rev. Renee’s guidance and many others from the Temple (Rev. Renee Haugh is now the Pastor of the Temple of Love and Light) that I have literally seen the Light! Note: the Temple of Love and Light is going through massive building renovation and will open their doors soon to all who want to attend a very spiritual and loving church.
I kept seeing Wanda as a young Egyption girl with a crown of cow horns with a glowing orb. I also saw walking next to her a black panther and leopard. I told Wanda that I wanted to paint her and if she had a photo of her when she was 16 years old (she was 88 at the time) it would help me tremendously to visualize and paint her. The photo of the painting shows you how God guided my hand in this painting. I painted this Visionary Portrait in 2002 and it wasn’t until after her passing that her Spirit guided me to a conference in Allegan, Michigan of the Star of Sakkara, which is held annually by the ‘Sisterhood of the Emerald Fire’. This is a 3 day conference that Rev. Wanda had attended since the 1970’s and she has now guided me to this group for reasons I am only just finding.
I took this painting along to show others as an example of my Visionary Art and a man walked up to me and asked if he could share with me what he saw in the painting. Of course, I said, I’m always open to others ‘eyes’. Now, I just painted this as I was guided and I thought how it truly represented Rev. Wanda and it was my way of thanking her for all she had done for me. He said, by painting her dress white represents the good and divine in all of us and having the black panther looking away showed the dark side, but by putting the Leopard upfront and connecting both black and white, that it showed everything joined together as one. To show both the moon and the sun (orb in horns) that the Divine Feminine was truly working in her and the flow of red hair and the 3 red roses represents the ‘Magdelene’ and being surrounded by purple flames and the color purple showed that she was truly a messenger from God and Goddess through her psychic abilities and that it radiates all that is from Love, Light and Truth.
I was overwhelmed, to say the least, by what he said. It made me understand more about what my Visionary Portraits are about and how they touch people in so many different ways. Rev. Wanda Gordon is no longer humanly with us, but her Spirit is still guideing me and others through our psychic connections. She guided me to that conference…I had another Spirit Fair that I was suppose to attend in Wisconsin that weekend, but the day before I attended a Soul Fest Show in Coldwater, MI I was informed that the Wisconsin Show was cancelled, so I had an empty weekend and I thought, “now what am I going to do?” The next day at the Soul Fest at Soul Selections in Coldwater, Michigan a lady sat down for a reading/drawing and after I read her, she handed me a pamphlet, that she just happened to bring with her that day, and told me I should be part of the ‘Sisterhood’ (Sisterhood of the Emerald Fire) … I had to look it up on the Internet when I got home) and this was a pamphlet on the conference in Allegan, Michigan and, that’s right! You guessed it! It was the same weekend I had just cancelled in Wisconsin.
This is how Spirit works with you, always, once you have surrendered yourself to God and asked for help and guidance. I also had many free classes that were part of the conference by many mediums, healers and teachers and one in particular I knew I was there to meet and to come in contact with and her name is Starr Fuentes, her web site is - I heard her 2 hour class and was amazed on how proud she makes you feel about yourself once you have accepted yourself as a channeller for God’s healing. I wasn’t going to get a reading, because my funds were low, but I knew I had to speak to her. I went to her tent and she was all signed up for the day, but I wrote my name down and asked only for 15 minutes of her time. Her husband told me later that day that she would see me in the house at 6pm.
The husband and wife team of Rev. Mary and Dean Hardy are the host for 150 people for 3 days and we camp on their lawn and they just put us anywhere we can fit. Plus, 4 different areas for the classes. I did my readings as well that weekend in between the other events. Wanda, in Spirit, truly guided me to a life changing event. God Bless Her!!! Before I sent in my fee for this conference I thought I had to impress Rev. Mary Hardy with my art talent to be able to give my Spirit Art Class there and to do readings, so I sent her my ‘Foxfire Studios’ video. She didn’t need it and returned it to me unopened just before I was to see Starr for my reading. So when Starr called out for the next person, which was me, I had this VHS video in my hand. She asked me what that was and I explained how I had mistakenly sent it to Rev. Mary, when it wasn’t for her…she said of course it wasn’t for her it was for me (meaning herself). I said yes it is…as she held the VHS tape in her hand and patted it with her other hand, she said … do you know that I have 6 books I’m writing now and I can’t find the cover artwork for them … they are in here (as she pats the video) and that you will be famous … I got chills all over me and knew this to be true.
She then told me to get a web site set up, because thousands of people were waiting for me (when I got home from the conference I called my cousin and she was generous enough to let me be on her web site…she is kinexxions, because of the geneology she does and of course I’m the foxfire). Starr also told me a couple of other personal things and told me that after she saw the tape, she would make sure it got to others and she also told me to be proud of who you are that we are the God’s and Goddess’s that he has sent out into this world to heal not just each other, but all of mankind, the earth and beyond.
If you want to know more about the ‘Temple of Sakkara’ conference, just put that in your search engine. Rev. Mary Hardy has an excellent web site at that explains it all.
And I want to add that Shaman Starr Fuentes' husband, Art Jackson, was there and had the Blue Moon Firewalk (July 31, 2004 the 2nd full moon in a month is a Blue Moon). I participated by drumming for 2 hours, and I had no reason to walk the hot coals, at least I didn’t think so, but anytime we get a chance to release our fears we should do so and I am an official FIREWALKER now and like I’ve said before, when you have surrendered yourself to God there is no fear. I never felt the heat of the coals and did not get burnt. It was amazing and I’m glad I participated in this spiritual shamanic event. Thank You Art for having it at the conference.
I know this has been a long story for Rev. Wanda’s Visionary Portrait, but if anyone who is visiting my pages and understands Astrology and that I am a Sagittarian with my moon in Taurus and Sagittarian rising, knows that I don’t know how to tell a short story. By sharing our adventures with each other is how we learn. So those of you who like to read about others and their experiences with Spirit… ENJOY …those of you that don’t…just enjoy the pictures.

1999 Visionary Portrait

I'm trying to retrieve my information and photos of my paintings from my old website and transfer them here on my blog...the information below was written back in 2005 and I have journeyed a million miles since then, but I think this original info is important and the I'm hoping I can retrieve it all for you to read and see.

Foxfire ~ Visionary Portraits

This is the visionary self-portrait I did after my soul retrieval in the fall of 1999. The Shaman journeyed and brought back 3 parts to me that I had lost from abuse and trauma in my life and she also brought back one of my power animals that came to her in the journey.
This power animal was the black bear. The soul retrieval helped me to be whole again and with the help of my power animal, the black bear, I started to focus on going within for wisdom through dreams and contemplation (as symbolized by hibernation). The strength of the Bear is in knowing he has invited you to enter silence and to become acquainted with the Dream Lodge, so that your goals may become realities.To become one with the Bear is to journey with him into your dreams and to own them. Then in the strength you will be ready to discover the honey in the Tree of Life
Since becoming one with the Bear, I have discovered the holistic healing powers of God that channel through me and to use them ‘as his will be done’. In another part of my website I can suggest the books that I have read and I pray they will help you as they have helped me. In the portrait I also saw myself as Native American Indian, the daisies are my favorite flower and the colors I have used are very healing and soothing for me.
Every Visionary Portrait that I do is very personal to the person I am painting. Because my main purpose in this life is to heal others, my artistic talents are being used to give you healing through the visions I am given in the reading and to incorporate it onto the canvas with ‘Spirit Participation’. I’ll explain this further in the next few pages of the Visionary Portraits.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Life Purpose/Energy Work

Finding ones life purpose can be daunting. Many people ask me how I knew what mine is and I respond by saying it's an ah ha moment in your life. Then the pieces all start to fall together. I am a Shaman...a healer. Shaman is a word that has been used in all indigenous peoples for thousands of years all over the world. The medicine men/women of the tribes were Shamans. We all have the ability to heal ourselves, but first we start by learning how to do just that.

Many years ago I broke my leg and compressed my body by landing hard parachuting for the first time. It did not heal properly and a friend of mine told me I needed to go see a 'Shaman'... and my response was, 'What is a Shaman?' I went to see this lady and we dealt mainly with emotional problems and the leg was never mentioned. She suggested that I come back for a 'Soul Retrieval'. I made the appointment. It was life changing and definitely an 'ah ha' moment. During the soul retrieval I had 3 parts of my soul brought back to me that were lost during the abuse in my young years, but while this was taking place as she was journeying my leg started to hurt extremely bad and then the pain went away. As she was telling me about the parts that came back to me I asked her what was the pain in my leg. She said that spirit re-broke the leg and fixed it properly. I have never had any problem in my leg since that moment. That was when I knew that I could do this as well. She became my first teacher. I've had many teachers since her, but I know I was led to her as I know others will be led to me.

Through my faith of who I am in my life purpose I left everything I owned or I should say things that owned me, in Indiana a year ago and moved to Colorado...the mountains have been calling to me for many years.

Being a Shamanic Practitioner has lifted my life up to a higher dimension here on earth. Every person who finds me has life changing experiences just through a talk. When I put them on my buffalo table for the soul retrieval/extraction healing ... there life has changed...they let go of the fear and regain who they are...who they truly are.

I'm available for healing sessions in person here in Parker, CO or long distance, just email me at to set up an appointment. Parker, CO is located 20 miles south of Denver, CO.