Wednesday, September 7, 2011

White Buffalo "Chief"

This information that is with this painting below is what I had on my webpage years ago and I just want to note that this painting has inspired me through the years as it has many people who have seen it. I call the white buffalo 'Chief' and he comes to me in vision quite often and when he enters into the drumming circle everyone can feel his presence and his strength...I've known all along that he came to me in this painting to give me strength in my life and I am so grateful for his continueing presence in my life.

Foxfire Studios ~ Spirit Paintings
When I did the water wash on the background, the outline of where the buffalo should go and the eye were already there in the painting. Plus, the image of a Native American Chief in full headdress, riding his horse, were also in the background. I knew the spirit guides had definitely answered my drumming on what to paint. That left an empty area in the lower right of the painting, after I painted the white buffalo in the upper left. I asked the spirits what should I put there to finish this healing painting and they said to put my handprints. That is what I did and I am very happy with the results. I feel the left handprint is the blessing from Jesus and the right is from the Great Spirit. My suggestion is to let the painting ‘talk to you’ as it does to me.
This is a 16” x 20” Acrylic on Wrap stretch canvas. I painted this March 3, 2003. The key to these Spirit Participation paintings are to look at them and to see beyond just your two eyes. I didn’t realize at the time what a wonderful gift I was receiving from Great Spirit in this painting and how they were guiding me with the images. These paintings are not just for me, but for anyone who looks into them and receives the spiritual blessings that have been channeled through me onto the canvas. I thank Great Spirit and my Spirit Guides, Angels, Animal Totems, Ancestors and the Master Teachers for all they have blessed me with in the past, today and in the future.

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